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By Miss England 2024 –

Milla Magee 

All Milla’s images by Alan Strutt

As November approaches, one of the most significant dates in the calendar for the UK is Poppy Day.

This is a time for the nation to come together in remembrance of the brave individuals who sacrificed their lives in service to their country. This year, on November 2nd, Miss England Milla Magee and Mr. England, Manuel Cantara Turner an active serving soldier in the King’s Guard, will join forces at a Poppy Walk to raise money and awareness for our veterans.

Milla Magee the reigning Miss England

Its a powerful reminder of the importance of honoring those who have given so much for the freedoms we often take for granted.

Mr England Manuel Alcantara Turner is a serving Kings Guard

Why We Remember

Poppy Day, also known as Remembrance Day, is a time to reflect on the incredible bravery of those who fought in wars and conflicts throughout history. From the World Wars to more recent engagements, countless men and women have risked or given their lives to protect the values of freedom, democracy, and peace. The red poppy symbolizes their sacrifice, a simple yet profound emblem of the blood shed on the battlefield.

But remembrance isn’t just about looking back. It’s about recognizing the ongoing needs of veterans and their families today. The physical and emotional toll of serving in the armed forces is long-lasting, and for many, the battle continues after the guns have fallen silent.

The veterans deserve not only our respect but our support, and events like the Poppy Walk aim to raise both awareness and funds to provide them with the care they need .

Milla regularly visits the Chelsea Pensioners, and has formed a lasting friendship with one particular veteran called Ivan, so the poppy walk is very close to her heart.

Milla Magee and Mr. England: A Powerful Partnership

Manuel & Milla – Miss & Mr England photo by Kam Murali at DK Pixels

Milla Magee, known not just as Miss England but also as an advocate for various causes, will be participating in the Poppy Walk alongside Manuel Mr. England. His service in the King’s Guard highlights the personal connection he has to this day of remembrance, making their partnership a powerful symbol of unity between the civilian and military communities. Their involvement brings attention to the importance of remembering the fallen while also celebrating those who continue to serve.

Milla’s dedication to charitable causes, from her GoFarwithCPR campaign to her involvement in raising awareness for veterans, exemplifies the spirit of service. Together, she and Mr. England will walk to honor the past, but also to support those who are still with us, ensuring that their needs are not forgotten.

Why Poppy Day Matters More Than Ever

As we look around the world today, the relevance of Poppy Day remains undeniable. While fewer and fewer veterans from the World Wars are with us, the lessons of their service and sacrifice are just as important. Conflicts may change, but the courage and resilience of those in uniform remain constant.

November 2nd is not just another day in the year. It’s a time to pause and reflect, to remember and honor, and to commit to supporting those who have given so much. Whether it’s wearing a poppy, attending a service, or taking part in a walk, every small act of remembrance matters.

As Miss England Milla Magee and Mr. England Manuel Cantara Turner lead the way at the Poppy Walk, let their example inspire us all to remember the heroes of the past and support the heroes of today.

The poppy walk is being held on November 2nd at Crystal Palace Park.

Please sponsor my walk by going to this link 

To get involved with the Poppy Walk visit the Royal British Legion website here