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On August 14th, a very special celebration was held in lieu with the OAN (Overseas Asian
Network). Pakistan Independence Day was celebrating its 77th year of freedom. I, Miss
Lincolnshire, Mary-Anna Jennings, was invited along as a special guest to share my thoughts
on the country’s independence and its continued unity.

The event perfectly displayed equality, diversity and inclusion; with the most recent riots holding
a prevalent point in many invited guests’ speeches. Guests spoke of unity and how there is not
a place for racism in England in retaliation to the most recent riots that had broken out across
the country.

Some of the special guests included the acting consul of General of Pakistan in Birmingham;
Vice Consul; Lord Mayor of Birmingham; Deputy Lieutenant of the West Midlands; High Sheriff
of the West Midlands; The Police and Crime Commissioner for West Midlands, amongst many
more star-studded title holders. I felt full of gratitude to have not only been invited to this event,
but to speak in front of the hundreds of people that were in attendance. My speech continued in
support of Pakistan’s Independence and spoke of unity and freedom, two topics which were
covered largely at this event.

Birmingham is the second largest city in Great Britain and it was an honour to have been invited
here to share my thoughts and opinions on the event. The event itself was held at the Royal
Shalimar; a very grand and exquisite venue for a celebration of independence and freedom to
take place.

On the day, I was given two different types of dress to wear; one a traditional bridal dress and
the other a more revolut concept of a couture gown, especially designed for me by Sobiay
Fashion Designer, based in Birmingham. I enjoyed wearing both dresses thoroughly and felt
honoured that I had been entrusted with representing such a beautiful culture.
There was much cultural entertainment throughout the evening, including one group which has
been especially flown in from Pakistan to show off their amazing talent. Overall, I felt very proud
to be at an event where I was able to represent the Miss England team, the Fire and Rescue
Services and of course my beauty with a purpose project, SWIFS (Supporting Women Into the
Fire Service).